Cooperation With Russia Possible With Stronger US President – Ted Cruz

WASHINGTON, July 30, 2015 (Sputnik), Leandra Bernstein — The United States needs to elect a strong president in the next election if there is going to be US-Russian cooperation, 2016 Republican presidential candidate and US Senator Ted Cruz told Sputnik.

“I believe cooperation with Russia, ironically, is far more likely with a Commander in Chief who [Russian President Vladimir] Putin understands is a credible threat, than it is with a weak and ineffective Commander in Chief who Putin does not respect,” Cruz said on how he would address US-Russia cooperation if elected president.

Cruz described President Barack Obama’s foreign policy approach toward Russia as one of “weakness and appeasement.”

Cruz explained if he took the US presidency, he would use all available foreign policy tools, including additional sanctions, to attempt to sway Russia.

Relations between the two countries have deteriorated after US has accused Russia of meddling in Ukraine’s affairs and supporting the independence seekers in the southeast of the country. The US and its allies imposed sanctions on Russia following Crimea’s reunification with Russia in March 2014 and the escalation of the Ukrainian crisis.

Russia has consistently denied the accusations, and claimed the US has instigated a coup in Ukraine in order to effect a regime change of the legitimately elected government of President Viktor Yanukovych. Moreover, Moscow has warned that US and NATO military build- up and exercises along Russia’s borders are provocative and serve to destabilize the region.

Senator Ted Cruz is one of 33 Republican presidential hopefuls running for the party’s nomination. According to the most recent US polling data, Cruz is currently polling with approximately 2 percent support.
