Netherlands Seeks Clarity on US-Russia Military Deal in Coming Days

UNITED NATIONS, September 20 (Sputnik), Leandra Bernstein — The Netherlands seeks clarification from the United States and Russia in the coming days on the terms of the proposed military counterterrorism cooperation between the two countries, Dutch Foreign Minister Bert Koenders told Sputnik.

“I think it’s important that the deal that I understand exists between the Russian Federation and the United States is clarified during the next couple of days, so that also all the members know exactly what is being agreed upon,” Koenders said on Monday on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly.

“I think this is a historical chance, this cooperation, so I am very much in favor of it,” Koenders said on Monday of the cessation of hostilities in Syria.

On September 9, US Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov reached a ceasefire agreement in Syria, which stipulated some degree of military counterterrorism cooperation after one week of successful implementation.

The main source of concern in the US-Russian military agreement is members of the Syrian Support Group and international community, like the Netherlands “simply don’t know what is happening,” Koenders stated. Koenders emphasized the need to clarify the US and Russian agreement in the context of the recent US airstrike in eastern Syria, which killed dozens of Syrian soldiers and led Russia to call an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council on Sunday.

The Netherlands is a partner in the International Syria Support Group as well as a member of the US-led military coalition targeting the Islamic State terrorist group in Syria and Iraq.
