Proposed War Powers Bill Gives US President Virtually Unlimited Military Reach

WASHINGTON, January 28 (Sputnik), Leandra Bernstein – The recently proposed authorization for use of military force (AUMF) against the Islamic State would give the President of the United States virtually unlimited war powers, US Senator Chris Murphy told Sputnik.

“There would be virtually no limitations on the president to send US troops to almost any corner of the globe, based on the wording of this resolution,” Murphy said on Wednesday.

Last week, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell introduced a war powers resolution that allows the president to use “all necessary and appropriate force” to defend the United States “against the continuing threat” posed by the Islamic State, associated forces and possible successor organizations.

“This resolution doesn’t require you to fight ISIS [Islamic State], it just requires you to show that there is a threat of ISIS in order to invade,” Murphy warned.

The United States is currently engaged in military action against the Islamic State, also known as Daesh, in Iraq and Syria. The terror group has spread in provinces in multiple countries, including in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, Egypt, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Algeria.

Prior to introducing the AUMF on January 21, McConnell stated his opposition to passing a war powers resolution in 2016 that might restrict the actions of a future US president.

In 2015, President Barack Obama sent a draft AUMF to Congress, which prohibited a large scale ground offensive, and required reauthorization of the war powers after three years.
