‘Free the Data’: US Space Systems Command Calls for Greater Info-Sharing Among Allies

October 4, 2022

ALEXANDRIA, Va. (Kratos/Constellations) — The head of U.S. Space Systems Command (SSC), Lt. Gen. Michael Guetlein called for improved information sharing with allies during a keynote speech at the Advanced Maui Optical and Space Surveillance Technologies (AMOS) conference.

“We’ve got to free the data,” Guetlein said, referring to space domain awareness (SDA) information shared between commercial partners and allied nations. “We have put so many constraints on the data, so many rules on what you can look at, what you can’t look at… We’ve got to free the data.”

Partnerships have become more critical amid rapid advances in national space capabilities and international recognition of space as a warfighting domain. Yet even among close allies, there is an ongoing struggle to overcome decades-old barriers to cooperation, including how partners share sensitive information.

The creation of the Space Force has helped remove some constraints. The United States has had “unprecedented levels of interaction” with allies in recent years, Guetlein noted. “The handcuffs aren’t off yet, but they sure have loosened up.”

Read the full article: https://www.kratosdefense.com/constellations/articles/free-the-data-us-space-systems-command-calls-for-greater-info-sharing-among-allies

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